VIIT CTF 2021 Writeup

5 min readMay 31, 2021


Hello everyone this is my writeup for the VIIT CTF V3

Warmup : Test (0)

In this challenge the flag is already provided just copy paste the flag.

The Flag Is : VIITCTF{flag}

OSINT : Find Me(5)

This link was provided in the challenge

when visiting the source code I found this path :


Upon navigating to this path and looking around, I found the flag hidden in chunks in the source code.

The Flag Is: VIITCTF{you_found_m3}

OSINT : Socialize(5)

As the name of the challenge indicates “Socialize” so, I assumed it’s related to social media. I clicked on the Author’s name in the challenge and was redirected to his twitter account.

Here I found his website’s URL

Upon navigating to his website and looking around, I found the Instagram link ( ) where his bio contains the flag.

The Flag Is : VIITCTF{Ez_Pz_R3c0n}

OSINT : Robots(5)

As the name of the challenge indicates “Robots” the first thing that came to my mind was robots.txt file.

A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which pages or files the crawler can or cannot access.

The Flag Is : VIITCTF{robots_cant_but_you_can}

OSINT : Recon(20)

As the challenge description says I have to find the real IP address behind the cloudflare so, I started with some commands like dig but was no use.

Then I searched for in this website.

Here I found the IP address.

The Flag Is : VIITCTF{}

Crypto : Shift em up (5)

As the Hint says “Keep shifting them” the first thing that came to my mind is Caesar Cipher because it based on an alphabet shift. I used this is an awesome site which I prefer mostly alongside CyberChef

The Flag Is : VIITCTF{caesar_eraser}

Crypto : Fcuk(5)

As the name of the file indicates it may be JSfuck.

The file contain :


I used JSfuck decoder on to run this.

The decoded string is : return”\126IITCTF{Sure}”

I used Python interpreter to get the output of the return statement.

def fun():  

Output : VIITCTF{Sure}

The Flag Is : VIITCTF{Sure}

Crypto : Square(10)

As name suggest “Square” it may be related to polybious square cipher.

I used this site to decode this. Here I entered the cipher and changed the settings to include foreign characters.

Here I got the flag.

The Flag Is : VIITCTF{hell0_w0rld}

Stego : Base(5)

The file provided in the challenge contains multiple times base32 encoded data. I used base32 decoder to decode this.

base32 -d hash.txt | basse32 -d | base32 -d

Upon decoding I found raw data of a png file which can be confirmed with the headers. I saved this output in a png file.

base32 -d hash.txt | bash32 -d | bash32 -d > hash.png

The Flag Is : VIITCTF{bas3_3m_4ll}

Reverse : Pass(10)

This was the only one Reversing Challenge in this CTF.

I analysed the binary using radare2.

I seeked to the main function inside radare2 and printed the disassembly of the function.

There I found one cmp instruction which compares eax with the 0x583.

If the condition is true it provide the flag so, The decimal value of 0x583 is 1411.

I Ran the binary with the pin 1411 and got the flag.

The Flag Is : VIITCTF{pwn_the_pin}


Happy Hacking 🙂



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